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Aug. 28, 2024

EP42 - Navigating Nightmares and Premonitions A Journey Through Dreams With Melissa Kim Corter Part 2

EP42 - Navigating Nightmares and Premonitions A Journey Through Dreams With Melissa Kim Corter Part 2

In this episode, the speaker shares their experiences with finding the right therapist and explores the nuances of nightmares and premonition dreams. They recount vivid and sometimes prophetic dreams that have impacted their life, discussing the role...

In this episode, the speaker shares their experiences with finding the right therapist and explores the nuances of nightmares and premonition dreams. They recount vivid and sometimes prophetic dreams that have impacted their life, discussing the role of intuition and emotional proximity. The conversation transitions into an insightful discussion with Melissa Kim Corter, a depth psychologist, who explores the significance of dreams, recurring nightmares, and the symbolic language of the psyche. The episode touches on themes of personal growth, the impact of suppressed emotions, and the natural intuition that guides us in dreams and waking life.
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